St8rk Reality.

Friday, September 08, 2006

who, what, why, where, when...

I realise I've never quite got round to filling in the 'my profile' bit on the blog, not through any effort to protect my anonymity, just laziness I'm afraid.
So, in an attempt to 'reveal' a bit more here is some information which you will no doubt be of very little interest.

"Who are you?"
Whoo-whooo whooo whooo (sorry, dodgy Roger Dalrey impersonation)
I am Stark. That is all.

"Where are you?"
Halfway between Brighton and the Orkneys. Probably, although I haven't measure or anything. Or even looked it up. It just sounded good.

"Why are you here?"
Something to do with a Barry White song and a half bottle of vodka, but you'd have to ask my mum.

"I meant, why the blog?"
Oh, right, sorry. It seemed I was the only person in the world who WASN'T writing one. So, like the lemming I am, I got me one. The real answer is I need some discipline in writing - I need to be forced to do something, you see, no self-motivation.

To be continued...
(see I've ran out of motivation).


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