St8rk Reality.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Car Wars

It all happened in slow motion.

I could see it in the rear view mirror, inching closer to the side of the car. Confident it would remain a safe distance from the shiny blue paintwork, I continued to edge slowly forward. Then...


The large concrete pillar brushed the side of the car with all the delicate touch of a drunken Mike Tyson. I had reached the point where you think: 'Will I do less damage if I keep going, or will I reverse in the hope of minimising the situation?'

I reversed back out of the parking space. I got out the car and surveyed the damage. A foot-deep, white scrape now adorned the rear passenger door. Four thoughts ran through my head.

1. I've jusy spent £150 on new (but probably unneccessary - thank you Kwik Fit) tyres and can't afford to throw more money away.

2. Will this affect my no-claims bonus?

3. There goes my new iPod I planned to buy this month.

4. If I can do this in a COMPLETELY EMPTY car park, think of the damage I could do in a full one.

My only excuse was it was 7.15 am, a Monday morning and I hadn't eaten any breakfast.

My week was ruined before it started.


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