St8rk Reality.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

workin' 9 to 5 (what a way to make a living)

Work has been mental!

All week, it's been "do this NOW!"
"But I've still to finish..."
"THAT doesn't matter, THIS is more important."

A few minutes later...

"Can you quickly do this for me? I need it within the next five minutes!"
"But you just said I had to work on..."
"Never mind what I just said, THIS is more important than THAT! And when
you've finished, I've got something else for you."
"I'll do my best but I have a meeting in half an hour..."
"Don't bother with the meeting, THIS is more important."
"Yes, but it's the meeting you set up and said was extremely important for
me to attend. You said that."
"Never mind what I said just do as I tell you."

And that's just before I leave the house.

Which is why posts have been as thin on the ground as Jade Goody's O' Levels.


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